What's on for February? So. Many. Things.

There are lots of things going on as we turn the page to February! I am delighted to be part of two new shows opening on Friday, February 5th, 2021, and I will be offering my first artist's workshop ever this month!
First, the shows.
Gallery Twist invited me to be part of their annual "Room With A View" exhibition at their beautiful house-based gallery, just up the street from the Battle Green in historic Lexington, Massachusetts. The show features nine regional artists and over 150 works altogether. Each room holds the work of a different painter, printmaker, photographer, jeweler or mixed media artist. And there are multiple ways to see the show.
If you have never visited Gallery Twist, and go in person, you are in for a treat (open 11am-5pm daily, mask-wearing, physical distancing, no more than 8 visitors at one time are all part of the deal right now, my dears). The owners have created the most charming environments for displaying art in a cozy and 'real' setting. See the show live, online, via Zoom, Facetime, and through virtual tour videos. A virtual reception will take place Sunday, February 7th at 2pm. This is the first time I've shown in Massachusetts since I moved up to New Hampshire in 2018, so it's a rare opportunity to see sixteen of my watercolor and oil paintings in person if you live in the greater Boston area.
If you have never visited Gallery Twist, and go in person, you are in for a treat (open 11am-5pm daily, mask-wearing, physical distancing, no more than 8 visitors at one time are all part of the deal right now, my dears). The owners have created the most charming environments for displaying art in a cozy and 'real' setting. See the show live, online, via Zoom, Facetime, and through virtual tour videos. A virtual reception will take place Sunday, February 7th at 2pm. This is the first time I've shown in Massachusetts since I moved up to New Hampshire in 2018, so it's a rare opportunity to see sixteen of my watercolor and oil paintings in person if you live in the greater Boston area.

Opening the same day, just a couple miles down the road from me here in snowy Bethlehem, New Hampshire, is "Winter in the Whites" in The Gallery at WREN right there on Main Street. This show highlights four local artists - two painters and two photographers - as we speak in paint and film about the glories of the snowy season here in the North Country. But don't go expecting to see nothing but white, blue and gray tones. Color abounds even at this time of year, reflected in the vibrant hues of a winter sunset, a red barn down a snowy lane, and the striking greens of a balsam fir grove. This show, too, will be open for you to stop in (11am-5pm daily, closed Wednesdays, with all the usual safety protocols) or to view online. A virtual opening reception will be held Friday, February 12th at 6pm. Find all the details at wrenworks.org/gallery.
And finally, I'm offering my first workshop ever through WREN on "Putting Your Professional Face Forward" for all you artist types. Yup, me, of all people! It'll be a live online event on Thursday, February 18, 2021, at 6pm. What are we gonna talk about? How to navigate being your most polished artist self without burying all the funky, fun wildness of your soul that makes you the creative person you are. Sometimes, artists can find it hard to reconcile their need for creative freedom alongside the demands of being a profitable small business owner. How do you put your professional face forward while never losing those elements that make you uniquely YOU? Let's get serious (But not too serious!) and discover ways to clearly and beautifully tell others about your artistic practice and life. Hoping this will be fun, informative and useful for all who attend the live class, or check out the recorded version that will be posted as well.
And that's February... so far anyway. Lots to do, lots to see, and that doesn't even include all of the paintings happening in my studio right now, as I prepare for other shows down the road and simply get what's in my head out onto the canvas.
If you'd like more studio news, updates on shows and places to see my work, and early access to my Annual Studio Sale every November, sign up for my Newsletter at the bottom of this page!